Tax & Audit

Introducing our extensive range of Consulting Services & Tax Advice: Planning, withholdings, imports, sales reports, remittances, among others.

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Tax & Audit

Introducing our extensive range of Consulting Services & Tax Advice: Planning, withholdings, imports, sales reports, remittances, among others.

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We are a certified firm that provides audit, tax, accounting, consulting and financial advisory services to private and public organizations in various industries.

ÍNDIGO provides its capabilities and vast experience to help its clients succeed in the territory they operate.

The Indigo team has highly experienced professionals, trained and prepared, with masters and postgraduate degrees from a wide range of specialized fields, certified local and international studies (MBA, MAE, among others) with experience of more than 15 years of work in BigFour firms, serving thus needs in audit, tax and financial advice among other services to local and multinational companies, industrial, commercial and services, banking institutions, among other sectors.


Professional services

  •  Definition of the accounting structure.
  •  Organization, codification and typing of vouchers resulting from business operations..
  •  Processing of journal entries, adjustments and preparation of monthly closings.
  •  Bank reconciliations.
  •  Treasury and payment to suppliers.
  •  Administration of fixed assets.
  •  Conciliation and squaring of auxiliary accounts.
  •  Edition and delivery of interim financial information monthly and annually.
  •  Issuance of monthly and annual interim financial statements.
  •  Assistance during external audit process.
  •  Valuation of shares and intangibles.

All kinds of services related to Outsourcing resources.

  • Fixed assets and merchandise survey.
  • Destruction of inventories
  • Certification of destruction of inventories.
  • Physical intakes of materials and fixed assets.

Services related to surveys of assets, merchandise, etc.

  • Payroll processing into the different bank accounts of employees.
  • Payroll processing into the different bank accounts of employees.
  • Preparation of reports and updating of records to governmental entities.
  • Control of legal deductions and financial obligations to staff.
  • Issuance of work certificates or proof of salary.
  • Calculation, control and payment management for vacations.
  • Preparation and refer templates to Social
  • Delivery of payment vouchers to employees.
  • Payroll processing, expenses and provisions associated by cost centers.
  • Wage settlements.
  • Assistance in preparation and payment to tax authorities of wage withholding statements and
    social charges.

Management, preparation of reports, control and deliveries.

  • Specialized services in risk analysis and evaluation.
  • Identification and establishments of manual and automatic controls for a better performance in the company.
  • Evaluation and understanding of business processes.
  • Outsourcing for recurring supervision of established controls and identification of improvements.

Specialized services, evaluations and other.


   - Audit of financial statements.
   - Review of financial statements.
   - Special reviews.
   - Procedures previously agreed.
   - Compilation of financial statements.
   - Implementation of IFRS and IFRS Pymes.
   - Training on IFRS and IFRS Pymes.
   - Advice on complex accounting treatments.
   - Advice on regulatory issues.
   - Translation of financial statements to other currencies.

Local and international tax planning, tax compliance, etc.

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- Audit of financial statements.
- Review of financial statements.
- Special reviews.
- Procedures previously agreed.
- Compilation of financial statements.
- Implementation of IFRS and IFRS Pymes.
- Training on IFRS and IFRS Pymes.
- Advice on complex accounting treatments.
- Advice on regulatory issues.
- Translation of financial statements to other currencies.

Audit of financial statements, special reviews, etc.

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- Preparation of Transfer Price Studies.
   - Preparation of an Informative Statement of operations with Related Companies.
   - Tax audits appeal and dispute settlement.
   - Corporate restructuring in terms of transfer prices.

Preparation of Studies, declarations and Defense.


  - Recruitment and staff selection.
   - Design of development plans for strategic positions.
   - Assessment of positions and pay scale.
   - Advice on change processes.

Recruitment and Selection of Personnel & Design of plans.

You want to know more?

Discover the wide range of professional services that INDIGO SRL has to offer you.

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We are Indigo!

Certified firm specializing in comprehensive audit, tax, accounting, consulting and financial advisory services for private and public organizations in various industries.

We are Indigo!

Certified firm specializing in comprehensive audit, tax, accounting, consulting and financial advisory services for private and public organizations in various industries.



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